
Zbrush 100%

So I've used Zbrush in my Maya workflow but I've never completed a project from start to finish in Zbrush. The upcoming version of Zbrush looks slick. The hard surface tools are especially interesting. If only I have $800 to drop on it. 

Zbrush has always felt alien to me; I can’t stand the rotational zoom configuration, and, no perspective window? WTF?
Dealing with Zbrush's weirdness was just something you had to deal with, tolerate, like a crying baby on a 2 hour flight. -.- Sure, there have been plugins that have made things a little more tolerable, like Z-Switcher, which makes Alt + LMB = orbit your model, or Crtl + LMB = Zadd/Zsub etc. Z-Switcher makes it more Maya like. ZSwitcher

If I had the money buy Zbrush R6, I feel as though it would be a waste, like I said, I've never completed a project solely in Zbrush. I've really only used it to sculpt high rez details, UVmap and some polypaint. I sometimes wish it was forced on me, like it was the only program that I found and I was forced to learn it. /shrugs
The truth is, there’s a million to one ways to do… things, and modeling is no different. Opinions on which software is the fastest, best, blah, blah,…. about these matters are no more than just opinions. In the end, it is not what program you can master but which workflow you feel comfortable using. Some can go from Maya to Zbrush to Photoshop and whatnot, but there are people who do everything in the same program. Now when it comes to hardsurface modeling, 3dsmax or Maya are far superior than Zbrush. At least at the moment, when Zbrush 4r7 releases its going to introduce new tools for hardsurface modeling, (like I mentioned earlier, very slick) but for now 3dsmax or Maya are superior. Now if you are talking about mech, suits of armor and characters that are hard surfaced? Then Zbrush is the way to go, because you don’t literally have to start from scratch, to makes those surface hugging surfaces. It’s a matter of deforming, scaling and all that fun stuff, and in no time you have a finished product.

Now, with all that said, I want to push myself to make something, 100%, start to finish, in Zbrush. Not sure what I’m going to make, as I’m only thinking about this as I write. I’ll have to dig from some references and find something fun. 


Sci Vis

Working on a scientific figure drawing with Maya. Ultimately its going to be a cut away view of the structures, possible a fly through animation with some of the structures rigged and animated. Using a basic prokaryote cell  as a reference/subject.
Here are some screen grabs of wires of the WIP.

On a side note, here is a little character I threw together one night. I call him Lil Repy. I'm planning on rigging him so I can pose him :)


WIP 02 of the MS-18e Kampfer

I didn't have much time to model this week/weekend. I was given some awesome websites and images from the polycount forums. Those guys are really nice and helpful. :) I was having issues with my proportions but that has been remedied!

Not much but I've got it blocked out.
Until next time...


MS-18E Kampfer

The "E" in the MS-18E Kämpfer's model number was an abbreviation for the German word "einhauen," which translates to "one strike." "One strike" summed up the Kämpfers role in combat as a fast assaul unit. It was meant to strike quickly, cause massive damage with its varied weapons loadout, and make a fast escape. The Kämpfer was a very focused design, never intended to work outside of its created role. Within this role it was an exceptional unit, rivaling the Federation RX series in firepower and speed. The unit was covered with thrusters and verniers to give it high maneuverability.- Referenced Wiki

Mobile Suit Einhauen Kämpfer Custom!!!

 When I saw this iteration of the MS-18E.Kampfer Custom(that's what I'm calling it), I had to model it.
A custom resin re-skined model, the original modeler is a guy that goes by the alias of LittleBoy. Not sure who he is IRL(I don't know Japanese) but I'm amazed by his work and I love his version. Here is a link to his, blog?

The process of modeling strictly from reference images without "blue prints" slows down the roughing out process significantly, just because you have to tab out of Maya, but its ultimately a better habit.90% of the artist efforts are observation.

Here is my progress so far, started on the head, moved to the feet. Still working out the proportions  its rather difficult to adjust after beveling so I'm having to really work on my eye. Good practice.



Update on the Supra

I threw out the old progress, started over from scratch. I made these based off of nurbs curves from blueprints. Its fairly accurate. Theres some bumps ofc. Ive actually cleaned them up after taking this screen shot, im a lazy bones.




Update on the Torino. Still early, working on the main character line that runs from the horn to the door. Next, the rocker panels, tying up the front of the horns and...getting the lines to correlate with references.


Torino 500

I'm back. Kinda let my work take a back seat this past semester, school and work kinda zapped me. Supra is still laying around, i've been wanting to make my Torino forever, it too as been a pile of references sitting on my HD. Man, i really need a new computer.

New years resolution was to not let a day go by that i don't work on my personal stuff if i can help it.